Many more advanced mods rely on others as a groundwork. Each Skyrim race becomes its own unique animal species, but only the appearance of the races change (i.e., vanilla buffs remain the same).

Skyrim SE Mod List June-2019 I tried making a modded profile my fiance and I could both share, but things ended up getting way outta hand. Since You were a Child, You have been painfully Aware of the Power of Wealth. Apocalypse is the most popular Skyrim spell pack, adding 155 new spells that are unique, balanced, lore friendly, use high quality custom visuals and blend seamlessly into the vanilla magic system. A High Ordinator as seen in The Elder Scrolls III. The new spell tomes, scrolls and staves can be bought and looted from the same sources as vanilla equivalents of the same level. Staves are roughly equivalent to the the shield of the same material. It also won't benefit from Master of the Mind. A Staff of Courage doesn't fortify health or stamina, like the spell does. Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim - Ordinator overhauls the perk trees of Skyrim, replacing them with ~400 new perks to improve the depth and fun of building and playing your character. Unless you're using a mod to make staff act like single handed weapon, staves are only affected by you're skill level in the magic field they are used in.

Elemental Destruction magic + ordinator - elemental destruction magic patch These add alot more magic spells and the patch integrates them into ordinator, elemental destruction magic also adds new enchantments And Thunderchild + Imperious races of Skyrim. The Militant Ordinator Style is a crafting skill that can only be learned by reading the chapters of the Crafting Motif 49: Militant Ordinator Style book. Skyrim’s various faiths function less like an RPG upgrade system and more like a meaningless set of shrines more useful… Now, There's probably not a whole lot of people who use staves in Skyrim, Or its remastered counterpart (Outside of staff of Magnus for the obvious Winterhold questline), But one thing about Ordinator that, Disheartened me (To say the least) Was that i found Staves didn't scale with Ordinator perks when they would have with their Vanilla counterparts. Ordinator this overhaul allow to make restoration a valid class of magic, plus the enchanting branch help to boost the use of staves. I went … After this you will be wondering how you could have played Skyrim without them.